by James Hulse, PhD, RT
December 7, 2019 there were two presentations provided: 1. Bubble CPAP, an International Perspective and 2. Neonatal and Pediatric High Frequency Oscillation (HFO). The focus on my second talk was actually directed at the kind of infrastructure that is needed to provide HFO because I did not regard myself as adequately experienced to authoritatively present this subject otherwise. So I talked about the physical infrastructure needed in a NICU including piped in O2, Air, Vacuum and stable electricity. For personnel infrastructure I spoke about well trained physicians, nurses and Biomedical engineers and the ongoing support of the equipment manufacturers. Then I spoke about the long term Educational infrastructure that is needed which would include long term mentoring and low dose high frequency training.
December 12 and 13, 2019 Nam Mai MD, PhD, RRT and I collaborated to provide hands on workshops on bubble CPAP to multiple groups in the HaiPhong International Hospital. My estimate would be that we provided hands on bubble CPAP instruction to 20 to 30 clinicians, primarily physicians. I was happy about this because before I left for Vietnam the message I had received from the CEO of HaiPhong International Hospital was that they were only interested in presentations on adult mechanical ventilation which is outside the mission of PRN. Dr. Mai and I did provide hands on at the bedside consultation and instruction on adult mechanical ventilation. I also provided multiple lectures using power point on adult mechanical ventilation. We were busy from 0700 to 1900. During our entire time in Vietnam we were treated as celebrities. We continue to be encouraged to return.
